of all donations go directly to serving humanity.
children have been helped in bringing them out of poverty, setting them up with educational pathways, and removing them from the prevalent child labor situation
One Ummah Foundation is completely made up of volunteers dedicated to moving humanity forward

families have been provided necessities such as food, clothing, blankets, and shelter
Some of the countries we are currently supporting:
Pakistan, India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Malawi, TOGO, Cambodia, Indonesia, Senegal, Niger
Kenya, Somalia, Tanzania, Brazil, Guatemala, Syria, Afghanistan, Ereteria, Ethiopia
Our Story
"The Day One Ummah's Light Turned On"

voluntary charitable act towards another being, whether through generosity, love, compassion or faith
One Ummah Foundation has a special Daily Sadaqah program for our members. It allows for daily donations paid monthly through our automated system using the payment method of your choice. Sadaqah Jariyah will enrich your days with ongoing rewards as you feed the hungry.
donate a certain proportion of wealth each year to charitable causes
One Ummah Foundation is a Zakat-Compliant program & has long been a trusted organization that distributes Zakat to those with very low to non existent income, and those who do not have enough food for a day. Consider donating to fulfill your Zakat this year